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Why are empty legs so affordable?

Due to the original passenger’s purchase of a seat on the empty leg, the fixed cost of the flight isalready covered. Because of this, the owner may provide cheap flights to others on the sameaircraft. Empty leg discounts can range from 40% to 70% compared to ordinary charter flights.

What is the term “rerouted empty leg”??

This is exactly what it sounds like: an empty leg that has been diverted from its planned path inorder to pick up or drop off travellers. Suppose, for instance, that a flight from New York to Paris hasan empty leg booked, and you want to go from New York to London at the cheapest possible … Continued

What is a charter flight that may be booked on demand?

An on-demand charter flight is a plane that you rent for a specific flight at a certain time. Everythingis under your control. The size, age, and price range of your aircraft are all factors to consider. Oncethe aircraft is cleared and paid for, you and your guests will be able to fly as desired. In … Continued

Is a private jet faster than a commercial plane?

Faster planes can fly faster than slower planes, depending on the type of plane. Citation X (ten) is theworld’s fastest civilian aircraft, however numerous smaller jets, notably the VLJ (Very Light Jet)family, have a lower maximum flight speed than airliners. On the ground, the time savings of flyingprivately are evident. Private jet travel is far … Continued

When I go to the airport, how will I know where to go?

Private plane check-in areas can be found at the majority of airports. Specialized handling agentstypically provide these services (often called FBOs). When you arrive at the airport, we will provideyou with complete instructions on how to get there, and your plane captain will be ready for yououtside.

Is it possible to bring a last-minute passenger on board?

Adding more passengers to a private jet trip at the last minute is a common occurrence. Although it’sbest to verify with us first to avoid unwanted embarrassment or delays for your company. Customers must go through pre-clearance for some places (like Russia). For smaller runways, theremay be a limit on the number of people that … Continued

What if I wish to adjust my departure time?

If you need to modify your departure schedule, it’s normally not a problem with private aviation.Our team appreciates advance notification so that we can get fresh slots with ATC and the airport toaccommodate your schedule.