Frequently asked questions
We’ve compiled a list of popular questions to walk you through the entire private jet experience.
Flying on a private jet can be a new and exciting experience for many people! It’s natural to have questions about how everything works, and we’re dedicated to bringing you all the answers and providing the world-class flying experience you deserve.
Choosing us as your own flight broker has several advantages. As long as there is an empty leg, we will always find the cheapest price for your journey, no matter what type of flight it is. We have competitive rate and rely on your pleasure and future business to keep us going. Whenever you submit a flight request, we provide you with all of the information you need so that you can make an informed choice. When you fly with us, we keep an eye on things to make sure everything goes as planned. This includes notifying anybody who needs to know about the flight’s progress, including co-workers, family members, and close friends. The most essential thing is that we are open and honest with each other, so that we can make the greatest choice together.
There you have it! We hope this FAQ helps you get the answers you need, and provides insight into
how flying privately works. If you have any other questions, queries, or concerns, please feel free to
reach out to us via phone or e-mail, and we’ll try our best to assist you.
Learn more
We know that your flight needs may be different, so we adapt to provide various kinds of services:
Our expert team can find the best available price for your private jet hire on the most suitable private aircraft
Discover the most requested destinations for your private jet trip
Frequently Asked Questions
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Medical Flights
In case you need to book a jet for your special occasion or business look no further!
Safety in private aviation is our most important concern. Safety has always been the priority of Jet-Vip
Empty legs
Chartering an empty leg flight is an opportunity to save up to 50% on your private jet flight price